Personal Development Tutors

Personal Development tutors

Dedicated support for students

All full-time students who are aged between 16-18 years old will be assigned a Personal Development Tutor (PDT) who will guide their academic and wellbeing in College through tailored and individual support.

PDTs have an abundance of skills and all our teams are appropriately-qualified and undertake continuous professional development to provide the very best and most up-to-date support for our students.

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What are Personal Development Tutors?

PDT teams are located in accessible, central locations on each Campus and work with other support services to provide a holistic approach in the development of each student.

PDTs quickly develop a strong rapport with their students and ensure that any barriers to learning are effectively removed giving students the optimum chances to have a successful and fulfilling time at College.

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Step 1

Meet with students at least once a week

Step 2

Arrange 1-1 meetings to discuss progress and developmental targets

Step 3

Listen to any concerns students may have and signpost to internal and external services

Step 4

Encourage and support students to maintain an excellent attendance, punctuality and behaviour record

Step 5

Support students to progress onto the next level of their course, to university or into the workplace

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