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IOT Campaign

What are Institutes of Technology?

Backed by £170 million of government investment to fund industry-standard facilities and equipment, Institutes of Technology (IoTs) are made up of further education (FE) providers,universities and employers, with employers at the heart of decision-making, curriculum development and delivery.
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What they specialise in

They specialise in delivering higher technical education across England and are part of the government’s plans to reform technical training to help employers get the skilled workforce they need and offer local people rewarding and higher paid careers. As IoTs are employer led, they can react quickly to the current and evolving technical skills needs of an area.

IoT’s are designed to:

Significantly increase the number of students with higher technical qualifications

Provide the skills that employers need, both now and in the future, which are crucial to local, regional and national productivity growth

Attract a diverse range of students to address the lack of diversity in some parts of the technical workforce, to maximise their social as well as economic impact

Support adults, whether in employment or not, who want flexible access to higher-level education

How are Cheshire College involved?

Covering the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area of the IoT, Cheshire College – South & West offer a wide range of technical courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) sectors where employer demand is greatest.

Higher apprenticeships
Higher technical qualifications
Flexible courses for adults looking to reskill or upskill
T Levels

Our collaborators:

Learn more on the Institutes of Technology website

For more information about your nearest IoT

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