Course Detail

Construction and The Built Environment

Level 1 - Carpentry and Joinery

  • Academic Year: 25/26
  • College 16+
  • Crewe Campus
  • EP Campus

How to apply

The Course

This workshop-based practical course will allow you to develop your skills by working with a wide range of specialist tools and different woods. You will gain the basic skills and knowledge you need to work in the wood trades. You’ll take part in activities to develop your confidence and skills and visit construction sites to experience a major project in progress. You’ll also get to work with other trades to develop your team working skills and learn from industry experts who’ll give you hands-on experience of a wide range of techniques.

The course includes the following units:

  • Safe working practices in construction
  • Information, quantities and communicating with others
  • Building methods and construction technology
  • Producing basic woodworking joints
  • Maintaining and using carpentry and joinery hand tools
  • Preparing and using carpentry and joinery portable power tools


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Individual Study Programmes will be discussed at interview to meet individual needs.
You will gain the skills needed to enter employment or progress to a Level 2 programme.

Ready to apply?

Crewe Campus
Starts : September 2nd, 2025
1 Year
EP Campus
Starts : September 2nd, 2025
1 Year

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